Elhanan Borenstein, Ph.D.

MetaLAFFA is a flexible, end-to-end, and compute cluster-compatible metagenomic functional annotation pipeline.

» MetaLAFFA>Code (GitHub)
  Download MetaLAFFA source code from GitHub repository to install on your machine or cluster.

» MetaLAFFA>Manual
  Learn how to use MetaLAFFA.

The MetaLAFFA manual includes a quick start guide to automate your installation and set everything up to run with default parameters and a more in-depth description of the individual pipeline steps, compute cluster interface, and customization options.

If you are using MetaLAFFA, please cite the following paper:
MetaLAFFA: A flexible, end-to-end, compute cluster-compatible metagenomic functional annotation pipeline.
Alexander Eng and Elhanan Borenstein. Submitted.